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Saratoga Theatre Arts

Boosting Drama and Theatre Arts programs, student clubs and productions in public schools within Saratoga, CA


What happens when a famous detective has eight suspects for a murder? How can the crime be solved when each new suspect's alibi is more ridiculous than the last?!? 


Redwood Middle School's Drama Club invites you to see 'The Alibis', a two-hour play with a 15 minute intermission.


'The Alibis' is directed, designed, and performed by our Redwood Middle School students.

SHS Comedy Sportz Improv Team Show

Friday May 17  @7pm 

Thermond Drama Center
Tickets sold at the door: $10 / $5
Something Rotten! April 2024-6832-Edit.jpg
 Cast & Crew of Something Rotten! (SHS, April/May 2024)
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